Apply for Funding Resources

Award Setup Checklist

A checklist of department tasks associated with setting up a new sponsored research account.

NIH F32 Application - Additional Education Information Template

Additional Educational Information is now required in F32 applications as part of “Other Attachments” that describes the resources available to the applicant including the availability of such resources as might be associated with an Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

Sample Proposal Library

This proposal library contains recently successful grant proposals from FAS and SEAS applicants available for use by request from FAS and SEAS faculty and principal investigators.

GMAS User Resources

This Harvard Financial Systems Solutions site provides resources to aid the Harvard sponsored research community in learning the use of Harvard's Grant Management Application Suite (GMAS).

Broader Impacts Resources

This resource provides information on programs and resources in and around Harvard that FAS and SEAS faculty can leverage to demonstrate the potential for a project to benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes.

Data Management Plan Tool

A group of major research institutions has partnered to create a flexible online tool to help researchers generate data management plans. This provides sponsor-specific guidance and resources for writing a data management plan.

Postdoc Resources

Resources and guidance for FAS postdocs who are interested in finding and applying for grants and fellowships.
