New Subrecipient Monitoring Inbox Created

October 26, 2015

Have you ever received a request from a sponsor to complete an  A-133 Certification Statement/Questionnaire or have received an email like this...

This is to inform you that we are ready to issue a subaward agreement to your institution but require the attached document be completed and returned. Once the completed form has been received by our office, we will have the agreement and purchase order issued to process your invoices.

If so, the OSP Cost Analysis Team has created the inbox to assist you in complying with these requests!

If you receive such a request, please review the form/questionnaire content for any information specific to a particular project (including funding amounts, PI information, scope of work or budget information, etc) and forward along to The OSP Cost Analysis Team will monitor this inbox and complete, sign, and submit the forms. If the form is required as part of a proposal submission, please indicate this in your email to ensure the form is completed within the necessary time frame. 

If you have any questions about this process or about a specific request, please contact